Flooring Info
- Deck Boards Used: 12 foot 5/4 Deck Boards
- Style: Deck boards run parallel to house and meet in the center of the deck at a transistion board that runs perpendicular to the house
Transition board
To start the floor I added the transition board in the center of the deck that runs perpendicular to the house. I used two 8 foot sections to span the depth of the deck. The joists that the transition board was attached to were doubled up and spaced in the middle to the exact width of the 5/4 deck board. The outside joists of the double up provided the attachment surface for the rest of the deck boards that ran into the transition.
Rest of floor
The rest of the floor went pretty smoothly. Just a lot of screws!! Thank goodness for my Impact Driver!! I started up against the house and did one side of the transition board before starting the other side. Each board needed to be cut to size. Just a few inches needed to be cut off each board. When I ran into a post I used my jig saw to notch out the board to go around the post. This is a big deck and it took thousands of screws to attach all the deck boards.
The floor was a very exciting step to complete because we were actually able to see everything taking shape and we finally had some functionality!!